Well, I got through the holidays and man is it cold! I'm gonna start this New Year out RIGHT! Here are a few of my new favorite things...and one that I am not too fond of...

Momma made me this pink dress. I didn't want to wear it..so I kinda took it off. She won't notice..

On those cold, blistery afternoons, I just curl up with a book, the remote, and of course, my Snuggie..

I got a big girl bed! Yep. I sure did! I love it so much and I like to lay in it and chew on my Kong, too!! Sis told me it was here doll bed when she was a little girl and that she kept it just for me, cause she knew one day she would know just the right person for it. It was me!
CoCo "I'm a big girl, now" Cox