Sis bought me a pool! It is pink and has flowers in it! She let me play in it before it was filled up with water! I took my blankey, my steek, my crab, and a couple other favorite things. I scratched and scratched and hid all of them in there! It was fun! Sis laughed. Then, the next morning, I put on my bathing suit and went outside and there it was! My pool! It had water in it, too!
Mom came over to hold the camera for my first swim. Sis taught me how to hold my breath. I practiced over and over. She said I should get in and hold on to the side. Then I could practice blowing bubbles with my face in the water. Then, when I felt ok - I could kick my feet and before I know it I would be swimming! It all sounded really good til I got to the edge and had to get in!
I got scared! I didn't want to go into that pool! It looked so DEEP! What if I couldn't stand up in it? I am NOT THAT TALL! Sis promised me it would be ok. Then she got in there with me. Sis said it was awesome that I got in at all! I stood there like a good girl - but I didn't want to blow bubbles or kick my feet. Maybe next week!
CoCo "I think I can" Cox
WAY too cute!!!
Good readinng your post
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