Welp, it's official. I have awwergies. Sis has been making me go to that Doctor non stop. I sure do like her, though. Her name is Dr. Cathy and she is at Town and Country Animal Clinic on HWY 10 (sis said I should give her a plug). She said all my sniffles, gurgles, nose whistles, sneezes, and coughs were cause I am 'wergic to sumpin. She said I had to go to the Doctor in Memphis. Med Vet Memphis, Dr. Tina Brown. Hers really nice, too! Sis said she went to LSWho, but that we should forgive her. I said OK. So, we go to Memphis and they gave me this test. They shaved my side and they poked me with needles. I was a very big girl and I didn't even cry. Sis was a mess, though. I thought she was gonna pass out when she learned to give me a shot. I am allergic to a LOT of stuff. But, mostly to wool, feather, and human dander. Sis said she would get rid of all the sweaters and down comfortors and all that but she wasn't getting rid of her! Can you believe I am awwergic to my Sis?! I'm awwergic to you, too! I start taking awwergy shots in a week. We will see how that goes...

So this is what it looks like to get the allergy test...it hults.
Did is my in my Sheep PJS resting when it was over...
I didn't feel good, here.
CoCo "sniff, cough, whistle" Cox
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