• Create amphibian friendly environments by providing clean water, hiding places, and insects to eat.
Prime amphibian real estate includes leaf litter, rocks, logs, and a source of water - backyard ponds make a great family project!
• Don’t pollute.
Do your part to keep garbage and chemicals out of the natural environment. Amphibians absorb chemicals through their skin easily.
• Reduce the use of fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas.
Climate change is impacting amphibian populations worldwide. By using less energy or choosing renewable sources of energy, you can help slow the rate of climate change. Drive less, buy fuel-efficient cars, and use compact fluorescent light bulbs!
To learn more and to pledge to be a Friend to Frogs, visit www.aza.org/yearofthefrog
-CoCo "I can ribbit, too" Cox