Spring is here and I am SO excited! I want Sis to take me out to walk alllll day long! She makes me wait until "it is time". There should be more "times"!!! My Aunt Dixie has a backyard that I like a whole lot! I went and played there a little while ago! She has CATS! I don't know what those are, but they sure look silly to me! They don't talk like me either! One cat didn't like me at all. One kinda did! I chased both of them even though Sis was sorta nervous. She always is. She said that cat could scratch me and make me cry. I don't think so!! I don't know how to use the phone, but my Sis calls me and so does my Mom. I know how to listen. If I could dial the number, I would call my Aunt Dixie and ask if I could come back over and lay out and run in her back yard! She even has a "poopsy door" that is just my size! I would probably rather stay out there, though! Her yard also has a famous tree! Sis told me so. It has a cat that just appeared on the trunk. It is better than toast with someones image on it, dontcha think?? I promise it's famous! It's on Ebay!
Here I am getting my summer clothes on for a fun day at Aunt Dixies!! Shhhhh I'm napping so I won't be tired when I go!!!

-CoCo "I HEART 1 CAT" Cox
I bet you had tons of fun in the backyard running around! It sure was a nice weekend!
-Yoli :)
Beeeeeeaaaan! I'm sorry that I didn't get this earlier for you to come play in the yard! But the yard is still here and it will be a nice weekend, so come out and play. The famous cat tree is in the front, so it won't scare you! And Sugar and Oscar will warm up to you soon. They are asking about you! Come visit your Aunt Dixie!!! How bout that Hillary victory??
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