
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

GME is the diagnosis. What is it and What to do?

Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis. It's as scary as it sounds. It's dangerous, too. Simply, it's an inflammation of the brain. It's hard to treat - at least it has been in our case. CoCo was originally given a different type of steroid - while we awaited a diagnosis. Once we had this, she was prescribed Predinizone. She took 1/2 of a 5mg tablet twice a day. In addition, she took an antibiotic 3 times a day. We saw great results within a couple of days. Almost no symptoms.

After about 2 weeks - I can't even remember everything just runs together... We were instructed to begin weening her off as these are not good for her and we need to find out what the smallest amount she can tolerate is. Her dose was cut in half - taking 1/2 once a day. On the night of day 2, we had an major step backwards. As fast as it came on, it relapsed.

This morning, I called her vet. We are back up to the heavy dose to get through the holiday. On Monday, the vet & neurosurgeon will start working on a new type of treatment. Possibly other medications. It is extremely difficult to see her almost without symptoms, yet know she is so critically ill. I have been working from home to be with her. My hopes are to research 'Dr. Google' and locate some holistic treatments to help her. If you know of any good resources, my email is in the contact area of the blog.

Good thoughts for CoCo Bean and some balance in treatment, please. Happy Thanksgiving to you all :)


Barb Kampbell said...

Feel better soon and figure out the treatment.

CoCo said...

Thanks, Barb!