
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

GME - New Treatment Begins for Baby Bean

It's Wednesday and CoCo began the new treatment after bad results last week. Her first dose was yesterday. She is still on 5mg of prednisone and takes a half twice a day. They have added Atopica / Cyclosporin - 10mg once a day. The hope is to let this get into her delicate little system and in 2 weeks begin weening her off the steroids in hope this becomes her new, safer treatment.

Day one. She took this big capsule that tastes and smells bad with no problems first thing in the morning. Around midnight she had another seizure like spell. This one was as bad as the first. She couldn't have anymore steroids as she had recently had the evening dose. Being on such a high dose is dangerous in itself, to add to it would be awful.

I held her until it stopped and stayed up with her the rest of the night. Watched bad Christmas movies and infomercials. She slept peacefully the rest of the night. The rest of the day has been quite quiet. She hasn't felt too well. More tired than sick feeling. Slow moving and very cautious with her steps. Of course, part of that is from the brain inflammation.

I am told this new medication is for patients of organ transplants and it is given to them to keep the body from rejecting the new organ. It is now being said that CoCo's body - or immune system - is attacking her brain. We are now unable to be around other animals and are basically confined to the house. No more outside shoes and we will wash our hands a lot more for now. It's extremely important that she not get sick.

Dec. 6th will be one month that this has been going on. It has been some roller coaster. Major highs and major lows. Might have to hire someone to grocery shop and shower for me. It's getting more and more difficult to leave her. I am working from home and apart from my self owned businesses to my 'day job' - so to speak - there's a lot of juggling and little sleep. I would do it every single day for her to be well. Please continue the good thoughts. We really, really need them.

CoCo is still starving all the time from the medicine, would eat the couch if I let her, is in no pain, and isn't aware she is sick. She is cautious in her movements, but I think she is smart :)

I don't want to know of a time where she suffers and is in any pain. I cannot let that happen.

More soon.



Barb Kampbell said...

If you need me to bring you anything let me know. I'm serious. We are keeping good thoughts for our little friend and you.

Mary Sullivan Frasier said...

Hi Jen... I'm a friend of and subbie to your mom & her channel. I'm not a Youtuber, but I am a food blogger who just happens to love makeup, beauty and skincare. There's also a very special place in my heart for furry kids and grand-kids. Ever since your mom vlogged about CoCo's illness, I've been doing my best to keep up with her progress and with how you're both doing. Please know that I'm sending healing thoughts and positive energy your way. Mary

tankshoney said...

Hi there.....I am also a subbie of you're darling mom...... I also have a special place in my heart for all fur babies.....and I just wanted you and coco bean to know that me and my fur babies....Gunner,Angel,Dozer,Riley,Brodie,lil Chanel,*Captain America and Thor* have no fur,they are betas:-) are praying everyday for you and lil coco bean.....Take care many blessings from CA. :-)

RealityRox said...

Thank you for the kind words Mary & Tankshoney~

CoCo is feeling good today :) Day by day! I have been trying to update this every week. New meds today and a holistic vet visit in the coming days...

Jen and CoCo Bean

Tatiana said...

Hi beautiful, I love your channel, and your little coco. I'm sending good thoughts your way and to coco. I hope she gets better very soon. We love you guys. Always hugs Tatiana

catmama54 said...

Please feel better sweet Coco.

Susan Freeman said...

I watch your mom's youtube channel and knew I had to stop by your blog to let you know that CoCo Bean is in my prayers. I have a little Yorkie named Bentley and I understand how much these little guys mean to us. Stay strong and keep us posted on your baby's progress.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Anonymous said...

Sending love to Coco and you. I know she's truly your baby. This must be so scary. I know of this because of your Mom's channel. All of you are in my thoughts and heart. I have a three pound chihuahua myself.

Unknown said...

Hi dear! It was through your mom that I learned about your precious angel. My YT name is SimplyJanet. First, let me say that I'm so very sorry that you both are going through this, but I applaud you every step of the way, for your fight to save your baby. I've lost two irreplaceable babies a couple of years ago and I miss them so very much. Few understand that they become much more than just pets to us who love them so dearly. They are a huge part of our family. I knew if I came here to comment, that I would end up in tears and sure enough it's happened. I'm praying for your adorable little CoCoBean and will be following this story. Be strong and give Baby Beans big hugs from me!

Buffy said...

Heard about your little pup Coco on your Mom's u-tube site and hope he's doing better on the new treatment. We get very attached to our fur babies and just the thought of them not being well, or in pain is heartbreaking.

Linda B said...

My chihuahua was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a predisposed condition with this breed. He was treated with prednisone and antibiotics. He was weaned off the prednisone but continued on the antibiotics for a year. He is so much better and just circles when he gets excited. He is off all medications. I just read an article on the website: about using the drug omepruzole to treat hydrocephalus. I think it would be worth your time to read this article and show it to your vet. If you have trouble finding it, please let me know. Praying for Coco Bean. Linda.

Molly said...

Stopping by to say hello and let you know prayers for CoCo Bean and you are being said here in Washington state. I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this worry. May your sweet girl be restored to good health soon.

CoCo said...

For ALL of you that have posted, THANK YOU for your awesome support. CoCo and I enjoy reading them all. I apologize for not being able to always respond to you each individually. Please keep up the good thoughts and we will continue to update :)

Unknown said...

I completely understand. Prayers for sweet little Coco continue!