
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CoCo and Comet's PIRATE Party Extravaganza!

Welp! I turned 2 last week and I had a party! Sis said I should have my party with Comet. He turned one. I am more special cause I am older. Comet and I invited all our friends and we played and played. Our party was at the dog park and boy was it FUN! Bella's mom Julie took lot's of pics. Here are a lot of them!
Here's a part of the party group!
Comet get's his cake and eats it, too!

This is me in my FIERCE dress!
This is Twiggy. Justin is his daddy.
Gotta hide behind Justin. Comet was looking for me.
My new skull jacket!

Sis says you can see more pics are her myspace page. Maybe I can add some more tomorrow!!! She said I could.

CoCo "I HEART Skulls" Cox

Monday, July 21, 2008


Thank you all for coming out to the Zoo to say hi to me and get a picture! I hope you had a fun time! It was hot, but I had a blast! I can't wait to go back! I want to see the Rhinos! What is your favorite part of the Little Rock Zoo?

I got to sit on the table in my bed! It was fun!

I was pooped by the end of the day. I wore my Zoo Keeper hat to keep the sun out of my eyes!

Coco "Take me to the zoo" Cox

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I got a POOL and I went for a little dip!

Sis bought me a pool! It is pink and has flowers in it! She let me play in it before it was filled up with water! I took my blankey, my steek, my crab, and a couple other favorite things. I scratched and scratched and hid all of them in there! It was fun! Sis laughed. Then, the next morning, I put on my bathing suit and went outside and there it was! My pool! It had water in it, too!

Mom came over to hold the camera for my first swim. Sis taught me how to hold my breath. I practiced over and over. She said I should get in and hold on to the side. Then I could practice blowing bubbles with my face in the water. Then, when I felt ok - I could kick my feet and before I know it I would be swimming! It all sounded really good til I got to the edge and had to get in!

I got scared! I didn't want to go into that pool! It looked so DEEP! What if I couldn't stand up in it? I am NOT THAT TALL! Sis promised me it would be ok. Then she got in there with me. Sis said it was awesome that I got in at all! I stood there like a good girl - but I didn't want to blow bubbles or kick my feet. Maybe next week!

CoCo "I think I can" Cox

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini!

Guess what?! I went on my first bathing suit shopping spree!! I had lots to choose from, but Sis and I agreed on an "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" - I like it a lot! It fits me really good! I wore it for the first time today! Well, yesterday, actually!

I haven't had a chance to lay out in it or go swimming, yet, but it isn't hot enough yet! Sis promised we would go, soon! Last night, our neighbor up the street - well the white Scotty poops named "DUFFY" came down to visit. I like him and I don't really like other poops. Anyway, he told me he has a big ole swimming pool in his backyard and that I can come swimming and can play anytime I want! I am so excited! I hope Sis let's me go! I can't wait!

CoCo "I've gotcha covered" Cox

Monday, April 21, 2008

Peanut Butter STEEKS!!!!

Guess who got PEANUT BUTTER STEEKS?! ME!!!! I LOVE them very much! Sis brought them to me! They are REALLY good! I got to reach in and grab my own out of the bag!! When Sis wasn't looking, I took them ALL!!! YUMMY! She took most of them back and said more than 1 would spoil my dinner! Phhhhffffft!

I had on this pretty new red polka dot dress! Here I am!!

I took it off so I could eat my steeks! I am NAKED!!! WHOO HOO!

CoCo "Red Is My Signature Color" Cox

Spring Is Here! Guess Who Is SUPER Excited?!

Spring is here and I am SO excited! I want Sis to take me out to walk alllll day long! She makes me wait until "it is time". There should be more "times"!!! My Aunt Dixie has a backyard that I like a whole lot! I went and played there a little while ago! She has CATS! I don't know what those are, but they sure look silly to me! They don't talk like me either! One cat didn't like me at all. One kinda did! I chased both of them even though Sis was sorta nervous. She always is. She said that cat could scratch me and make me cry. I don't think so!! I don't know how to use the phone, but my Sis calls me and so does my Mom. I know how to listen. If I could dial the number, I would call my Aunt Dixie and ask if I could come back over and lay out and run in her back yard! She even has a "poopsy door" that is just my size! I would probably rather stay out there, though! Her yard also has a famous tree! Sis told me so. It has a cat that just appeared on the trunk. It is better than toast with someones image on it, dontcha think?? I promise it's famous! It's on Ebay!

Here I am getting my summer clothes on for a fun day at Aunt Dixies!! Shhhhh I'm napping so I won't be tired when I go!!!

-CoCo "I HEART 1 CAT" Cox

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Went On My First Vacation!

Sis had a BIG meeting in Dallas, TX a little while back and I got to go with her! I was a big, big girl! I like to travel! We went to Dallas and I got to stay in a hotel. Sis said something about it being a Roach Coach, but I didnt see anything like that! The beds were low to the ground and I was big enough to jump off them! I was so happy! Sis went to dinner and she let me stay there all by myself! I am a BIG girl! She went over the rules with me first. No eating anything I found on the floor or behind the bed. No friends over. No opening the door to anyone. Most important she said, NO PARTIES!!!
I was a pretty good girl! Sis got home and found me with my friends. They were there when she left! She is SOOOOO silly! I'll never tell if I had a party! I even got my own room key! Here we are!

The very next day, we did what everyone does when they go to Dallas. We shopped! I got a few little things, but not much. Sis says she was disappointed. Whatever. I was pooped. It was cold and windy. I hid and napped in Sis' sleeve on her hoody. Here I am. It was the perfect fit!

-CoCo "Cocoon" Cox

Thursday, April 3, 2008

CoCo Bean in Arkansas Business!!

CoCo Bean Cox gets a little mention in Arkansas Business. Thanks, guys!

Read the article, here:


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zoo Scoop! New to the Little Rock Zoo!

Hey, animal lovers! I just got an exclusive scoop on the newest animal at the Little Rock Zoo. A 20 foot reticulated python made her home at the Zoo Friday and one of my favorite friends was there to film her arrival. This video shows three zookeepers and a snake handler from Jonesboro unload this beautiful beast. Wow! She’s huge! Plus, you’ll get all the inside scoop from my friend Randall, or “Snakeman,” a reptile keeper at the Little Rock Zoo. I’ll have to admit that I’m a little scared of this newest addition to the Zoo. She could eat me for a snack! But all is good and I’ve made fast friends with this slithery reptile. And guess what? You can give our new friend her new name! The Zoo is taking submissions now. You can pick-up an entry form at the Safari Trader Gift Shop or get the online form at

20 Foot Reticulated Python Arrives at the LR Zoo from Jeff Dailey on Vimeo.

I think I can take that snake! I can wrangle it up! Here I am practicing! Take me to the Zoo!

-CoCo "I can take the snake" Cox

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CoCo’s Call to Conservation - CoCo Cox NEW Animal Ambassador to the LR Zoo!!

Friday is leap day and one of my first duties as an official ambassador for the Little Rock Zoo is to tell you all about an important conservation effort of accredited zoos across the country. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) has declared 2008 the Year of the Frog. You probably didn’t know that our little amphibian friends are in danger of extinction. Climate change, loss of habitat, and a deadly virus are all contributing to the decimation of our slimy but lovable amphibian friends. But, there are things you can do to help! CoCo’s Call to Conservation this month is to help amphibians in our backyard. I have made it my personal pledge to not bark, chase, or harm any amphibians I see in my yard. There’s a lot you can do, too! Check-out these tips:

• Create amphibian friendly environments by providing clean water, hiding places, and insects to eat.
Prime amphibian real estate includes leaf litter, rocks, logs, and a source of water - backyard ponds make a great family project!

• Don’t pollute.
Do your part to keep garbage and chemicals out of the natural environment. Amphibians absorb chemicals through their skin easily.

• Reduce the use of fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas.
Climate change is impacting amphibian populations worldwide. By using less energy or choosing renewable sources of energy, you can help slow the rate of climate change. Drive less, buy fuel-efficient cars, and use compact fluorescent light bulbs!

To learn more and to pledge to be a Friend to Frogs, visit
Here I am with "FROG". He was my very first friend to play with! I like it when he ribbits!!

-CoCo "I can ribbit, too" Cox

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Weekend ROCKED! Yours?

It isn't very often I get to spend the whole weekend with my Sis. I was just SO excited! I missed my Mom a little, though. Sis took me to see her on Sunday, so that was pretty fun! I thought today would be a great day to blog about my fun weekend with all my cool friends. All I did was play with them! Here we go!

I spy...CRAB!

Found him! YAY!
Sometimes, when no one is looking, I close my eyes and imagine myself with lots and lots of friends like Crab!

This is Frog. He used to be my fav! I still love him, though. He is too big for my crate when we go on rides, though. I still have lots of friends as you can see, here!

I sure hope Crab and the others don't mind, cause I MUST practice my cart wheel. Maybe Sis will let me watch gymnastics on TV so I can get a little help. So far, I have had to learn this on my own!Until Next Time...

CoCo "I WILL get this cartwheel done!" Cox

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!

I didn't want to wear this dress today. Sissy made me. She says it's too big. All I wanted to do was play. Hard to do in this dress cause I didn't want to get it dirty. I LOVE it! It has hearts on it! Sis says they are real diamonds. I believe her!

I think a Cupid is gonna come and see me. I promise to be on my best behavior! I hope I get some candy - whatever that is! I would be pretty happy with a cookie, though! Well, I am gonna take a nap. Happy Valentines Day!
CoCo "I HEART you if you have Cookies" Cox

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Guess Who Is Back?! Yeah, ME!!!

I know, I know! I let you down! I am back and I am ready to pose and write! Here we go!!

Sis has been outta town but we have been playing hard since she got home! I showed her some new tricks I am working on, and she says I am the best poop ever! I already know that, though!

I have lots of pics this time, so please let me post them and be patient!
I got a new toy! I call him Quack Quack! He makes noise! I like to chew him up!

Quack Quack makes me this happy!!
Even though Mom bought me Quack Quack, I still played Attack of the Kisses with my Sis! I won!
Sis says this is my "Nightclub Look!"I started showing Sis my new trick I am trying to learn. I tried it from this side first...
Then I tried it from this side! As you can see by the smile on my face, it is definetely easier from this side!

I've almost got it! I almost can do a Cart Wheel! Told you I was working on a new trick!I haven't perfected my cartwheel, yet - BUT I was pretty pooped. Time to take a nap!Before I go, I hope you will do ONE thing for me! PLEASE GO VOTE! You know who I like, but Sis says I am not old enough yet to go to the polls!

-CoCo "Yeah, I Rock the Cartwheel" Cox

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Toes are FREEEEZIN!

I have had to take a small blog break. Sis has been outta town, which totally makes me mad, and Mom has been workin hard! I do have some news, though!
I don't know about where you live, but here it is FREEZING! Sis' house is like a meat locker as we have discussed before. I stay under the covers or on the heat vent ALL day. Sis opens an envelope now and uses bad words cause she says she never used to have to keep it this warm. I still say it's TOO COLD! When we go out, I get to wear my new coats! This one is from Sis' Pop and Sheri. It is a Chanel Jacket. It is PINK! I got great presents from them!!

Before I leave the office to run errands with Sis, I have to sit in the Commander in Chief Chair, just to make sure everyone else knows who is boss! They laugh at me sometimes, but I don't know why! This is my fur collar coat with pink hearts! LOVES it!

Sometimes, when MOM isn't around, Sis let's me wear my Playboy Coat. I know you all know I was a bunny last October! Sometimes Mom says it isn't appropriate attire. So What. I like to wear it and my SIS lets me!

To the Left, to the left...

To the Right, to the right...In other news, Sis almost freaked out last week. She said someone stole my TOE! I know, I know! I got scared, too! It doesn't hurt, though! Sis is still ranting and raving and using bad words about it. She told Mom she can't understand how 3 of my Doctors NEVER noticed it! (I wonder how Mom and Sis never noticed it, too. I don't ask, though!) Sis says my toe is probably on some pretty lucky persons keychain as a "Good Luck Charm". I guess. She said I was still perfect, though! Here is my foot with my missing toe! Who woulda thought??!

Kong is calling my name! Gotta Go! Til Next Time!

-CoCo "Who Stole My Toe" Cox

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Years Eve and 2008

It is the New Year and I am getting a great start on being slow to post! Here is a short and quick one! More to come, soon!

Sis went to Zoo Years Eve at the Little Rock Zoo for New Years. She let me have a sleepover at Mom's! We planned a big party! Here was my dress!

Here I am from the FRONT:

Here's this hot mama from the BACK:

I was gonna get some ginger ale and everything - BUT I fell asleep at 8:30. I did get up to go potty around 1am. I still missed it all!

Stay tuned cause I have BIG, BIG news coming soon!

CoCo "I wear sequins" Cox

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Santa came to see me!

Welp! He came! He really did! Santa came down my chimney and left me everything I asked for! 'Cept that really expensive dress that Sis said I couldn't have anyway! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately - but I have been playing with all my new stuff and Sis has been playing her Wii!
Here we go....
Santa brought me a stocking with LOTS of stuff in it!! Here I am getting my sticks out of the bag! I wanted to drag ALL of them out to make sure nobody tried to sneak one!
I stuck my whole body in the bag to make sure none were hiding in there!
I also got this YUMMY bone!
Here is some of the stuff that was in my Stocking! Look at my new toys!Santa got me some more dried Sweet Potatoes, too. Mom said I couldn't have any - but I snuck some here!Santa brought me a new KONG! Sis said it was cause I always left my other one at Moms! Now I have 2!! YAY!I had to get ready to go see Pop, Sheri, Julie, and David. Here I wore my Christmas Dress!When I got home from Christmas there, I couldn't hold my eyes open! I napped, but don't tell anyone!I got LOTS and LOTS of toys and clothes at my second Christmas! I will write a whole nother blog about that later this week! I did get this neat pair of Jammies! Sis and Mom both say these are the cutest ones I have! I like them, they are warm!Here they are again!Talk soon!
CoCo "I have sheep on me" Cox